Sunday, April 8, 2007

Formalism and ideology analysis

The provided link is to a critical article published in the New York times and was found in the Arts section. It was written in the year of the films release by Janet Maslin.
The artilce discusses the fact that the director has taken a different approach with this film compared to his previous films, in terms of formalism. According to the author, this time the director David O Russell has concentrated on his camera techniques especially his use of music-video camera styles. In addition, the author discusses Three Kings with an ideological analysis and highlights the films key principals. Here are a few quotes

The Pandora's box of camera tricks that is opened here must surely have been intended to capture the speed and disorientation of wartime experience, and the jittery atmosphere in which soldiers' snap judgments are made

The filmmaker's strong implicit criticism of the Bush administration's wartime policy, in which Iraqi rebels were encouraged to challenge Saddam Hussein and then left to the mercy of his army, did not need jazzing up. It comes through most clearly in the increasingly intense and single-minded performances of the film's leading men.

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