The movie "spiderman" was directed by Sam Raimi and was released in 2002. The movie is about a high school student who gains supernatural powers when a spider bites him. He uses his power to fight the evil.
This movie claims that "with great power comes great responsibility" and those powers should be used with care and for the greater good of the world. This theme runs through the whole movie. At first Peter Parker, the main character in the movie, gains supernatural abilities, he uses his abilities for his own selfish purposes. One of the bad consequences was that his uncle gets killed by the same person whom he had helped earlier. This event makes him realizes that he shouldn't use his power for bad things. After this he uses his power to fight the evil and to protect people.
Another theme of the movie is goo vs. evil. Like many other films, this film reinforces the idea that the good always win against evil. In the end, Peter Parker who represents good survives and Norman Osborn dies in the end.
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Another example would be when the guy who plays Dr. Octopus said that intelligence should be used for the greater good of mankind. Ironically he uses his power to try and destroy NYC.
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