The film Gandhi was directed by Richard Attenborough in 1982. The film was nominated and received numerous awards such as best picture, best director, and best actor (Ben Kingsley). In a historical perspective, many claimed that the film was historically inaccurate. According to the author of the article, Michael Hofland, many people criticized the portrayal of Mohammed Al Jinnah, a revolutionary in the Muslim world. Jinnah is portrayed as a terrible person, unwilling to create a cooperation between Hindus and Muslims, according to the critics. Hofland states that many people feel that Gandhi had flaws too and was not always right. The critics believe that "the film portrays him basically without a flaw, when it should show his true self." Some say that a large part film is propaganda, but nevertheless, "Gandhi was honored with many Hollywood awards and continues to be a beloved film," states Hofland.
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