Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Life is Beautiful portrays history?

The article, "Not Up To The Task", written by David Walsh, criticizes Life is Beautiful for not accurately portraying the Holocaust. The article begins by summing up the entire movie and giving background information on each character. As the article continues, Walsh starts to get more into his argument and explains why this movie is not a true depiction of the Holocaust. He believes that "while [the movie] may not be offensive, it does tend to trivialize the experience. The gap between the reality of concentration camp life and its portrayal in the film is alarmingly large." Walsh believes that Roberto Benigni, the director of Life is Beautiful, does not show how the Holocaust really was. He makes convincing arguments about how there are certain characters who "despite conditions of near starvation, [remain] happy and healthy." This article is a good read because it compares how the Holocaust really was to how Roberto Benigni misinterprets the historical event in his movie. Clicking on the link above should take you to the article.

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