The link above provides readers with an inside look into Russell's mind as a director. Gavin Smith, who is the editor of Film Comment, gives an in-depth interview with the director about two of his movies: Three Kings and I Heart Huckabees. In the interview, Russell goes on to explain the concept behind these two different movies, the meaning of each, how his personal life effected the making of them, and the marketing behind the movies. This was a really interesting article to read because you could really see where Russell got all his ideas and what kind of thinking process he must go through for each and every film he directs. Below are some interesting quotes from the article:
The most boring part of Three Kings to me is the heist and theI found this article very interesting so I think everyone should check it out!
gold....I like to let the camera roll and not stop, and talk through lots of different takes. So the actors would forget I'm there....There was really no title I was happy with [talking about I Heart Huckabees]. I stuck with it because I like that it has a Heart in it.
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