In the article that I found, the author, Matt Zoller Seitz, a well known movie critic from the Dallas Observer and many other well known publications, conducts an interview with the star of the film Braveheart, Mel Gibson. As he is known as a practical joker on set, when asked the question of "What are you concerned over?", he replies with a straight face, "the paycheck". After laughing to show that he is joking, Mel goes into detail about what he is obsessing over in the film, as he not only starred in it, but also directed the film, and is even listed as a producer. Seitz then goes into a quick overview of the film. He also states, in his own opinion that many of the battle sequences filmed both before and after Braveheart, for other films, are "lucky to touch the hem of Braveheart's kilt." Seitz thinks that the success of the battle sequences is due to Gibson's attention to detail, that any other director would have been to lazy to follow through with what Mel had.
There is also a serious tone in the article that deals with Mel's personal demons, and how they have affected the tones of the films that he directs, such as Braveheart. Mel was quoted in the article for saying some very inflammatory remarks concerning homosexuals. Nevertheless, in Braveheart, Longshanks son, Edward, possessed a few flamboyantly gay tendencies.
The article contains several sides of Mel Gibson's personality, and the way it ha affected his methods of acting and directing films.
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