Thursday, February 1, 2007

American History X Themes

This Wikipedia article about American History X gives a large summary on the plot of the movie, accentuating on details relating to the theme of racism in the movie. Everytime a character is discussed, their race is mentioned, for example,
"Two white officers soon arrive in a police cruiser, and Derek calmly complies with their orders; dropping his weapon and peacefully surrendering with a smile on his face."
The rest of the synopsis follows this same pattern, and at the bottom, theme's of American History X are listed under Issues. Not only does the summary bring about examples of different themes, but there is also a list entitled Trivia that has interesting facts about how racist idea's were included with out people knowing. One interesting Trivia fact is,
"The shirt worn by Seth Ryan on the basketball court with the numbers "88" on the back is actually a reference to "HH" or "Heil Hitler," "H" being the 8th letter of the alphabet. In a later scene he wears a Skrewdriver T-shirt. The number is also a reference to the 88 Precepts, the 88 rules of conduct by which neo-Nazis live."
This article helps give a good idea on what to expect in American History X, and the major theme's addressed.

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