Sunday, February 18, 2007

Is Forrest Gump sending out the right message?

The article titled "The Forrest Gump Morality Massacre," is written by Gregory Dorr, a web developer and video editor. In his article, he discusses and criticizes the film using a comparative approach. He compare the films lead character Gump, to the lead character of, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre," Leatherface. He focuses on the morality message sent out by each character and generally argues that Leatherface is morally superior to Gump. In addition, he discusses how the American society is wrong for viewing Gump as highly moral and gives reasons for why he thinks Leatherface should be considered a better person. The following is a quote that gives an insight into the article.

The two figures actually share much in common: both were raised in rural surroundings, dutifully obeying the instruction of attentive parents. Yet one is the object of mass affection; the other reviled as a monster.

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