"Morality is a central theme in the film, a point demonstrated soon after Will finds Jack on the island...[to] appease the natives, Jack imprisons his old friend with the rest of his crew, the first instance in which the would-be hero betrays an ally to save his own skin," (McConvey).
This article includes a brief summary of the film along with an analysis of the film's theme. Morality can be defined as standards of conduct that are generally accepted as right or proper. This article emphasizes Jack's struggle with morality. Jack is unsure of where his heart lies so he constantly switches his role from good-guy to bad-guy, and vice versa. An example that this article uses to support the theme of morality is when Davy Jones asks Jack whether he would be able to live with himself after condemning an innocent man. Jack taking on the bad-guy role at this point replies cooly with “Yep, I’m good with it.” Later on in the film, however, Jack abandons his selfishness to help out his friends against Davy Jones and his giant octupus monster.
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