Sunday, February 11, 2007

Critique on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

This critical essay from Images: Journal of film and popular culture touches on the outstanding usage of visual effects throughout Harry Potter and the Sorecer's Stone. This film is packed with creative eye-catching scenes that help to illustrate the many settings of Hogwarts. According to Images: Journal of film and popular culture, this particular essay comments on an important point for those who are interested in watching this film:
"...Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is somewhat rushed and reliant upon Harry Potter fans bringing prior knowledge along with them to the movie theater."

In order to get a full understanding of this film it is important to read the book because a lot of scenes from the book are left out due to time. Despite the time constraint, the use of art design and visual effects makes
Harry Potter and the Sorecer's Stone a truly unique film that captures audiences under its spell.


Kevin said...

ahhh, you picked one of the best movies on the face if the planet, but in the title you spelled sorcerer's wrong

Lauren Novorita said...

o you are right! The article spelled it wrong.