Donnie Darko, directed by Richard Kelly, was not a success at the box office when it was first released in the beginning of 2001, however today it is widely accept as an American cult classic. The story follows Donnie (Jake Gyllenhaal) a confused teenager in 1988 who becomes a victim of his own destiny after a mysterious airplane engine crashes into his room. Donnie is also haunted by a strange, six-foot tall bunny, Frank, who tells him that the world will end in "28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds."
The movie is a very complex and hard to understand. There exist many websites and blogs on the internet that attempt to explain and theorize what every aspect means though I have included the Wikipedia article, which also includes Kelly's own interpretation.
Every living creature on this earth dies alone.
I love this movie because it makes you think a lot. Even if you miss five minutes of the movie, you'll be lost the rest of the time. Good movie choice!!!
Awesome movie choice, this is one of those movies that everyone should watch at least once, but you probably won't get it then... so you'd better watch it again.
Great movie. Will always be a favorite of mine, with so many possible interpretations. I like to think of it partially as Donnie's struggle to choose. It reminds me of Dostoevsky a bit, or of Kierkegaard's philosophy, but I'm weird. I've also heard interpretations of it as a retelling of the story of Christ, a mental journey (in which Donnie experiences all of this in his mind), an allegory about man and his relationship with the universe... and a lot of others. I always see something different when I watch it. Very good film.
Nice movie choice. I've seen this movie a ton of times, yet still continue to notice something new.
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