The film that I chose to find information about was Richard Linklater's cult classic, Dazed and Confused. There are two storylines central to the film. One involves the hazing of incoming freshman by the new seniors at the high school, and the way that one young man, Mitch Kramer deals with it and the unexpected popularity that he achieves because of it. The other deals with star quarterback, Randall "Pink" Floyd, and his decision on whether to give into his coaches and sign a pledge saying that he won't do anything illegal over the summer. He feels that he is being treate wrongly and tries to figure out what he wants to do as the day progresses. The two main characters in the movie share some aspects in common.They were both hazed after playing baseball, both were viciously hazed by the top seniors, and both have major problems to deal with during the course of the film.
I have provided a link to the film information on, but I also wanted to provide another link which I found very informative, information pertaining to specific details about many of the characters in this film. Here is the second link
Haven't seen this one, but I'm a fan of Linklater's works. Waking Life is on my list offavorites and will remain there. A quick youtube search would tell you a lot about the stylewith which the movie was filmed and the general content of the movie. A film of his came out last summer, A Scanner Darkly, an adptation of the book by the same name (written by Philip K Dick). It was by all means a successful adaptation.
Dazed and Confused is probably one of my top favorite movies. It may just be because I wish I lived in that time period, but it's a fun movie to watch and I think you did a great job explaining the story line it's based you can enjoy even by ignoring the storyline because it just looks like everyone is having so much fun!
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