Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Requiem For A Dream

Laughing at the Holocaust?
Author Yazmin Ghonaim describes how director Roberto Benigni is able to transform "a dramatic subject into comedy" in his film: Life is beautiful. One would not expect to laugh at a film about the most tragic times in human history, but Yazmin's review explains how this tragic comedy "re-creates the atmosphere of the Holocaust in a much 'romanticized' way." Life is beautiful has been criticized for its " lightness"on the Holocaust, but this film does not mock the Holocaust; it portrays the life a simple comical man who relies on humor to shield his son from the horrors of the Holocaust. This heartfelt tale with surrounded with debate and critique.
Do the Right Thing
"The Butterflies"
Dead Presidents

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
The Goonies!!! 80's Style
Moulin Rouge-The Modern Musical
Schindler's List Movie Review
Shawshank Redemption
The focus of this review of the film "The Shawshank Redemption" is about the "innocent man in prison" theme. However, this film takes it in a different direction. While most prison films are centered around the yearning to escape from behind bars, this film shows many inmates adapting and accepting their place in prison. There are also example s of the inability of those same inmates to adapt back to the cutoms of society after being in prison for so long. Tragically one man is unable to cope and ends up committing suicide. This "innocent man in prison" theme takes a turn when Andy Dufresne, helps all of the guilty men to better themselves while in prison. He never gives up hope that his innocence will be proven. The presentation of this theme makes the movie one of the best prison movies that I have ever seen.
Letters from Iwo Jima: Nationalism and Corruption
Wither Letters from Iwo Jima is a historically-correct Japanese film or not, Clint Eastwood's themes is still clearly seen.
Attached is a link to Roger Ebert's film article, which touches the themes of Nationalism and Corruption. Ebert writes about how Letters from Iwo Jima is like it's brother film, Flags of Our Fathers, but instead in the Japanese perspective. He points out that not only was pride for the country was strong on both American and Japanese sides, but the propaganda in each nation as well.
"This is the hole that we will fight and die in." (Nationalism)
"The Imperial Headquarters is deceiving not just the people but us as well." (Corruption)
Monday, January 29, 2007
Crash: Racism theme
Mummy Returns
Ancient Egypt is recognized as an incredibly advanced society for its time despite a rigid class system. As an ancient Egyptian, you held the same job your entire life. That job is determined your social and economic status and was usually inherited from your parents
What Dreams May Come (1998)
I love this movie because it has excellent shots of heaven and hell. The colors that they use in the movie is amazing and I think that the director nailed it. He shows the brightness of heaven and how beautiful we all imagine it to be. Once he shows hell it gets to these dark colors and fire and shows it exactly how I imagine hell to be. The link below goes to a trailer of the movie. I suggest watching it. It's a great film.
Black Hawk Down
Blood Diamond
Archer learns, while in prison, that Soloman was taken from his family by a rebel group named the RUF (Revolutionary United Front) to work in the diamond fields for "blood diamonds," which are diamonds used to finance their military. He learns that Soloman found and hid this rare pink diamond. With the help of an American journalist (Jennifer Connelly), the two men embark on a journey through rebel territory to find this diamond in hopes of finding Soloman's family, and gaining an opportunity for a second chance for Archer. This film was nominated for 5 academy awards: Best Actor In A Leading Role - Leonardo DiCaprio, Best Actor In A Supporting Role - Djimon Hounsou, Best Sound Mixing, Best Sound Editing, and Best Film Editing.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Fight Club
The website that I have included is a basic summary of what the film is about. It is a short video that allows individuals to realize that life is not just about money and valued possessions. After watching it, you may wonder a little bit more about the purpose of life.
Darren Aronofsky
The Big Sleep (1946)
American Beauty (1999)

American Beauty, directed by Sam Mendes, is centered around the suburban life of Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) who is going through a mid-life crisis that not only affects him but his family and neighbors as well. He begins fantasizing about one of his daughters high school friends and can't keep his mind off her. His psychotic wife Carolyn (Annette Bening) is too obsessed with her job as a real-estate agent to care about her husband's problems and starts having an affair with one of her own rivals. Lester's daughter Jane, who hates her father, becomes friends with Ricky Fitts, her new and quite strange next door neighbor who starts selling pot to Lester. Ricky's father, Col. Frank Fitts, is a homophobic ex U.S. Marine who abuses Ricky and mistakes one of Ricky's drug transactions to Lester as a sexual act. American Beauty is a very smart and funny look at mid-life crisis', family, and life in the suburbs.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Saving Private Ryan
Kingdom of Heaven
I think the following quote best summarizes the character of Bailian;
"As he did in GLADIATOR, Scott explores the theme of a man who chooses his fate, instead of accepting the fate given to him at birth."
I think this is a good movie as we can analyze the movie using at least three of the corrigan's six approaches to film. The first approach I can take is historical. as the plot of the movie revolving around the Crusades has been written about in the western and middle eastern societies. There can be a debate here because the movie shows more of a european thinking of the crusades. The formalist approach will be good as well because not many can argue that the movie does have very good battle scenes. The director, Ridley Scott, lives up to his acclaim to deliver a good movie. You can get a glimpse of it in the trailer of the movie. We can also do a genre analysis and see how this movie fits into the genre of epic action movies.
The Last Samurai
A Beautiful Mind
A critic in the above link writes, " A Beautiful Mind all the more fantastic. Howard’s 15th directorial effort easily (and surprisingly) ranks among his best films, and it may prove to be the one “grown-up” film he’s best remembered for."
Friday, January 26, 2007
V for Vendetta
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Forrest Gump
Amelie-A Feel Good Movie
One of the Greatest Movies EVER!!!
Never seen the movie before check out this scene of the movie...beware this scene is kind of disturbing
Almost Famous Says It All
Kingdom of Heaven
Kingdom of Heaven
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut
The mayhem begins when the boys sneak into an rated R Canadian film called Terrance and Phillip: Asses of Fire. The idiotic movie teaches the boys to combine curse words in creative ways. When they get sent to the school counselor for using the F-word in front of their 3rd grade school teacher Kyle's mother blames the nation of Canada for her son's foul mouth since the movie's creators were Canadian. She forms a group called MAC (Mothers Against Canada) that goes on to wage war against Canada and have Terrance and Phillip hanged. The fate of the planet lies on the kids' shoulders because they are the only ones who know that if MAC succeeds the entire world would become ruled by Satan and his gay lover, Saddam Hussein.
Life is Beautiful
I am thinking about using this movie for my major project because it touches many topics and consists of many ideas that i think would be good to write about. It is by far one of my favorite movies and i think that it is a film that many others will also enjoy.
Mean Girls

This movie is probably one of the funniest of our time. It's really well written(Tina Fey) and produced(Lorne Michaels), not to mention it's one that most guys are reluctant to watch even though it isn't just a chick flick! My boyfriend had a few laughs throughout it, and trust me if he can anyone will. If you don't get a good laugh from the movie at least it has a couple of hot girls in it! I really recommend this movie, because it does provide current insight into teen life through the ridiculous rules brought on by the Plastics. I've been considering using this movie as an option for the final paper. There is a lot of material, as well as situations that could be used as reflections of American culture. For example, Regina George's mom is so desperate to be the "cool mom", instead of the more traditional role of a responsible parent.
"Bend It Like Beckham," a unforgettable comedy.

My House in Umbria
Fight Club
I selected Fight Club as a possible candidate for my project. It the story of Tyler Durden and his new friend Jack. They are both bored with their everyday lives and one begin to fight and let their agressions loose. They enjoy it so much that they create a Fight Club and begin to recruit men from all over the world. Once they get a decent amount of men to follow them they then engage in terrorist activity. The blend of terrorism and schizophrenia is wonderful becuase it shows the human need to survive in the way that one will do what one must in order to survive
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Here is the trailer: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Crash : Best Picture, Best Editing, and Best Original Screenplay
In addition, the second link provides various critic reviews from magazines, newspapers, and journals who have assessed the film according to their personal standards. Crash is in fact a film of great magnitude. Corrigan uses Crash as an example along with other well-known movies which are definitely worth checking out.
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer
Although this movie is still in theaters, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a good candidate for the final project. It will probably come out on DVD too late to use it for the final, but it is still a good film to watch, especially on the big screen.
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille was born with the most phenomenal sense of smell. He was born in the wrong time though, because 18th century France had a putrid smell to it. Jean-Baptiste nose leads him to become one of the greatest perfumers in France, but that is not enough for his greedy nose. He takes a dark turn as he tries to preserve "beautiful" scents, and create the ultimate perfume.
Perfume seemed to have somewhat a comical idea (super-nose powers), but the movie is so much more. Go to the theaters and watch this movie!
The link attached is the official trailer.
A Masterpiece in Every Respect
The film I most consider for this project is the film by the great Japanese director Akira Kurosawa, Ran. The movie is an epic masterpiece, it could be examined from any of the perspectives we discussed in class quite easily. The title can be translated as Chaos. It is a beautiful adaptation of a true story of a real Japanese warlord (the movie's Hidetora) and his sons, changed and fit to Kurosawa's adaptation of the great Shakespeare play King Lear. Formally, the film is beautiful, if at times disturbing in its images, a work of art throughout. The film has historical significance, as it is from Japanese history. The story and dialogue is rich with ideas and concepts, a script worthy of any adaptation of Shakespeare with subtleties and masterful use of language.
The story is that of Hidetora Ichimonji's abdication to all three of his sons equally, rather than to one of them, as would be customary. He dismisses the warning of one of his sons, banishing him and leaving the power to the two of them. Betrayal ensues, and soon it is an all out war, struggle for power and series of treacheries and lust. The warlord soon finds himself running alone in his own lands, fearing his sons troops, and confronting his past of the horrors he once caused. Deluded that he is trapped in hell and being led by the fool whom he banished, Hidetora views from afar the chaos and terror that befell his once strong kingdom. The fool is just as terrified, if slightly more sane, and struggle continues across the lands.
One Useful fFilm for Major Writing Project
Hey you guys, this is one of the movies mentioned in the our book. The link is to imb reviews.
Badlands is a fictional movie that was inspired by the true killing spree of Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate in 1958. The movie is about a young couple named Kit and Holly; Kit is an outgoing, young man while Holly is a shy, little girl. The story follows the young couple as they fall in love and eventually kills Holly's father, who forbade their relationship. The couple becomes fugitives and kills many more as they run through the Midwest.
Psycho By Alfred Hitchcock
Insight into Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho
Alfred Hitchcock’s film, Psycho, is a great movie to keep in mind when choosing a film for the final project. Hitchcock is recognized as an auteur because in Psycho, Hitchcock introduces various film techniques that greatly heighten the feeling of terror and reflect the society and culture of the 1960s. For instance, Hitchcock introduced the idea of voyeurism from the point-of-view of Norman Bates with the roaming camera to spy on Marion Crane as she undresses, making the audience drawn into the suspense of the film. In relation to the links and the auteur theory, Psycho combines elements from Hitchcock’s previous films such as, the emphasis on the rooms and setting to suggest the somewhat “psychotic” condition of human nature. Psycho is a highly recommended film to be further explored with the major project because it can be examined in terms of a formalistic approach through the musical score played and the close-ups. Also, a nationalistic approach is witnessed because Hitchcock directed the film to reflect what he believed would accommodate the changing audience through a modernized style where,
"Rather than blatantly displaying nudity and violence, Hitchcock had hinted subtly at their presence.”
In analyzing the genre, Hitchcock used traditional elements of horror film and incorporated his own. Finally, the auteur theory can be discovered and how it influenced Hitchcock to direct Psycho in black-and-white to help grasp the depths of the unconscious human mind.
Analysis of the rooms (Bates Motel), characters (Norman Bates and Marion Crane), and plot.
Young Frankenstein: The Comedy Classic

Donnie Darko: "Why Are You Wearing That Stupid Man Suit?"
Donnie Darko, directed by Richard Kelly, was not a success at the box office when it was first released in the beginning of 2001, however today it is widely accept as an American cult classic. The story follows Donnie (Jake Gyllenhaal) a confused teenager in 1988 who becomes a victim of his own destiny after a mysterious airplane engine crashes into his room. Donnie is also haunted by a strange, six-foot tall bunny, Frank, who tells him that the world will end in "28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds."
The movie is a very complex and hard to understand. There exist many websites and blogs on the internet that attempt to explain and theorize what every aspect means though I have included the Wikipedia article, which also includes Kelly's own interpretation.
Every living creature on this earth dies alone.
Schindler's List

Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire. The List is Life.
The Patroit

"I have long feared that my sins would return to visit me and the cost is more than I can bear."
- Benjamin Martin
Collateral Trailer

Rasism, Hate, Friendship, Love, Fear, Respect, Power, Anger, Unjustice, Pride, Dignity crash in this spectacular movie directed by Paul Haggis. The life different people is brought together trough series of events which will make you hold your breath during the whole movie.
James Cameron's Terminator 2: Judgement Day
The link provides a bit of a storyline and some past reviews about the movie.
Соля́рис, What if Your Every Desire was Real

The Birth of a Nation
Blade Runner: Are you a replicant?

Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (1982) is the story of Detective Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) who is on the hunt for escaped super human robots called replicants. As he searches for them in 2019 LA he falls in love with a replicant named Rachael, hindering his ability to "retire" the vengeful replican convicts.
Scott's earlier films Alien, Legend, Blade Runner all present the same type of feel. There is almost a sense of unity among the stories even though they all apply to different genres. The special effects in Blade Runner are fantastic and exciting and help to only back up the meaningful plot and impressive acting.
The clip I've included gives a representation of the amazing special effects in this film.Monday, January 22, 2007
Coppola's Apocalypse Now
Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 film rendition of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness alternates the novel's original Congo setting to modern Vietnam. Although Coppola was never able to fully capture Conrad's extremely subjective and ambiguous language, he does, however, manage to create what many critics claim to be one of the greatest movies of all times. The plot is essentially about a Captain who is sent on a mission to assassinate a former Colonel, Kurtz. The reason behind this mission is that Kurtz has gone mad, and was undoubtedly practicing "unsound methods." Methods which the United States Army wanted silenced.

Vocabulary : Voice-over narration: Voice speaking throughout film
Superimposition: shots laying over shots
dolly shots: shooting with camera placed on platform with wheels.
Dune: The Sleeper Must Awaken

Dune, directed by David Lynch (1984) is the retelling of the novel written by Frank Herbert. The opening sequence begins with the tale of the film: Princess Irulan: A beginning is a very delicate time. Know then, that is is the year 10191. The known universe is ruled by the Padishah Emperor Shaddam the Fourth, my father. In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The Spacing Guild and its navigators, who the spice has mutated over 4000 years, use the orange spice gas, which gives them the ability to fold space. That is, travel to any part of the universe without moving. Oh, yes. I forgot to tell you. The spice exists on only one planet in the entire universe. A desolate, dry planet with vast deserts. Hidden away within the rocks of these deserts are a people known as the Fremen, who have long held a prophecy that a man would come, a messiah, who would lead them to true freedom. The planet is Arrakis, also known as Dune.
L'Avventura: A Movie of Love, Loss, and Adventure (What else were you expecting?)

Jackie Brown: A Tarantino Masterpiece

Once Upon a Time...
Desperado: Robert Rodriguez' Epic

Corrigan uses the recent hit film Crash as a reference in his book. I for one had seen the film, but for those who haven't, here is some background information.
Crash is a great film, in my opinion. The way that the different parts of the film are brought together was great. Throughout the film, different forms of racism take place. It didn't matter what race, ethnicity, or even social class the character came from. At one time or another, each character has to come to recognize their racist beliefs, and they have to face those problems head on. I for one was impressed with the way the film turned out.
The link that I have posted leads to a brief overview of the film and its plotline according to There are also links to a trailer as well as trivia about the film.
Dazed and Confused
The film that I chose to find information about was Richard Linklater's cult classic, Dazed and Confused. There are two storylines central to the film. One involves the hazing of incoming freshman by the new seniors at the high school, and the way that one young man, Mitch Kramer deals with it and the unexpected popularity that he achieves because of it. The other deals with star quarterback, Randall "Pink" Floyd, and his decision on whether to give into his coaches and sign a pledge saying that he won't do anything illegal over the summer. He feels that he is being treate wrongly and tries to figure out what he wants to do as the day progresses. The two main characters in the movie share some aspects in common.They were both hazed after playing baseball, both were viciously hazed by the top seniors, and both have major problems to deal with during the course of the film.
I have provided a link to the film information on, but I also wanted to provide another link which I found very informative, information pertaining to specific details about many of the characters in this film. Here is the second link
Canidate for Film Project
Badlands by Terrence Malick
Loosely based on the Starkweather-Fugate killing spree during 1958, Badlands is a film about a "innocent" teenage girl, Holly, and her older boyfriend, Kit. Holly's father strongly forbids their relationship, so Kit kills him. This event began their killing spree adventure to the Badlands of Montana.

The link attached is a trailer of this 1973 Thriller/Drama/Romance.
American History X Movie Review
It is an old film, but with major classical moments.
"here lookin at you, kid"
Ronald Reagan was supposed to be Rick?!