Sunday, February 25, 2007

Formalism Theory

This is a link to a the Wikipedia website which defines the theory of formalism in terms of its use in film. It provides a basic definition, however, it also goes into a little more detail by looking at ideological formalism as well as formalism in auteur theory. It particularly looks at the work of Alfred Hicthcock. I have provided some interesting quotes below.

Formalism, at its most general, considers the synthesis (or lack of synthesis) of the multiple elements of film production, and the effects, emotional and intellectual, of that synthesis and of the individual elements

Hitchcock is more or less universally lauded, his films dissected shot-by-shot, his work celebrated as being that of a master. And the study of this style, his variations, and obsessions all falls quite neatly under the umbrella of formalist film theory

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