Sunday, April 15, 2007

Yimou, a woman's man

I found this article on the IMDiversity website. The author of this article is Lynda Lin and she is giving us an overview of her interview with Yimou. The most interesting concept of this article is the fact that Lin discusses Yimou and women. According to Lin, before Hero's success, Yimou was known as a "female director," because of the women he casts in his film. I thought it was humorous that the author refers to these women as "muses."
Aside from disussing Yimou's choice of women, Lin gives a brief filmography as well as touches upon film marketing and what that means to a director and Yimou's success as a director.
In general, I found it to be very interesting and insightful. Here are a few quotes

He picks his muses carefully and then has an extended love affair with his muses by framing them exquisitely in all his films.

Returning to the discussion on his affinity to film women, he says: “I’m always interested in female stories. Maybe it’s because it’s very easy for me to capture female depression and how they fight adversity.”

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