Saturday, March 10, 2007


Anton Karl Kozlovic explains how "Christ figures" are built-in to Hollywood films.

Karl says, " christ figuress describe any figure in the art who resembles Jesus."

Kozolovic goes into more depth on this Christ representation by saying that christ figures go on to represent HEROES.
Another interesting point is how filmmakers bring in this "Christian imagery" for commercial reasons, knowledge...and so on.
An interesting point about the Hero figure Anton says,

" I must say that BABE is much closer to a christ figure than max. particularly in Babe( Dir. Chris Noonan), he doeschange the established order, In fact, in Babe,Pig in the City he's much more a Christ figure because he turns the other cheek. He goes to save from drowning the one who was about to kill him....."

Anton brings alot of very sophisticated issues about Christ figure influences.

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